Here is the place to post your Weekly Science Article Report #3.
You are to post your report here by Friday, and to respond to at least 3 other students' reports (in your class) by Monday.
I look forward to reading your work.
(Just in case, here is a link to the assignment)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Weekly Science Article Report #3 - Period 7
7th grade,
period 7,
weekly reports
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Arctic Muds Reveal Sea Ice Record
In this article scientists are studying sediments from the ocean floor. Like the rings on trees, scientists can count the years were the ice was in a spot for a certain period of time.
It was interesting how the mud could show different times where ice was thicker or there for x amount years. It would be cool if the scientists found a pattern to which the ice was and wasn’t there. Then maybe we could predict what might happen during and after global warming. If they keep recording this underwater data it would be neat if they discovered a fossil in the frozen mud. I liked this article because I like to know about what’s happening in the scientific world.
Weekly Science Article Report
Citation- Baboons Listen for Who’s Top, Bruce Bower December 24th 2003, Science news for kids.
The Article was about how baboons are able to hear if a close relative in their family that is the same gender are near by from the noise they make. Also that they can tell if the family member is in charge or if they are not just by looking at them from top to bottom.
I thought that the article wasn’t so good. It didn’t give so much information and was pretty boring.
The thing that surprised me in the article was how baboons can tell if there is a family member near by from the sound that they make.
I would probably want to know how a baboon is in charge of a family. By age or strength.
Elephants sense “danger” clothes
BBC News
Elephants sense “danger” clothes came from No specific author was listed.
A recent study has shown that elephants respond with fear when they sensed the scent of clothing worn by men of the Massai tribe. Massai men traditionally spear elephants to prove their male power. They also reacted harshly to red garments (red is the color typically worn by the Massai. However, when shown clothes previously worn by the Kamba people (who pose little threat), their reaction was milder. And when shown white clothing, they did not react aggressively, as they had with red cloth. This proves that elephants can determine if a human is friend or foe based on the color/scent of their clothes.
In my opinion, this article was fascinating and intriguing. Elephants are fantastic creatures, not to mention extremely intelligent. They are also one of my favorite animals. I would love to work with them someday. Anything that has to do with elephants interests me. It never crossed my mind that they would be able to determine if a human was friend or foe because of the scent and color of their clothes. Nevertheless, it doesn’t surprise me. The only thing I would like to know is what made scientists decide to test this out in the first place?
Elephants sense 'danger' clothes
The article I chose this week was about how scientists discovered that African elephants can sense the amount of danger of a person by the color of their clothes. The elephants were feared the most by the color red because the Maasai Tribe traditionally wore the color red. The Maasai men speared elephants.
I liked this article because it was interesting that animals were so smart to sense the danger worn by different tribes and people. I thought it was very surprising that elephants only acted upset towards the color red and not white just because of the Maasai men.
I think it would be interesting if elephants could do the same thing with animals. Like if a giraffe was a certain color that would be how they defined their danger as well.
Weekly Science Report #3
Warm Wind Hits Arctic Climate
This is an article about 'the arctic being hit by melting ice, hotter air and dying wildlife, accordin to the US government their is an impact of global warming there.' A new/warm wind is blowing towards the North Pole. Shrubs are growing in tundra, while carbuo herds are dwindeling in Canada, and parts of Alaska. Scients believe that the fate of the arctic effects the entire planet. The whole entire arctic's tempatures have all risen "above average", unlike previous years. Most scientists have expected polar regions to feel the first impacts on global warming, and the 2006 US state of the arctic work provided a benchmark for tracking changes.
When I first saw the title of this article on pageflakes, it caught my attention right away. I am really intersed on what is happening with global warming all over this planet. What really caught my eye is that the fate of the arctic affects on this entire plaet. The one question that I have is what part on earth will global warming hit next?
Dear Mr. Ardito,
The article I read is called A dangerous meal by Jen Cutraro. I found the article very interesting. It talked about how floodplain death adder eats two different types of poisness frogs. I thought the article tought me something very cool in one way and gross in another because I dont really like amphibians. Some of my questions are how did they get so close to all of this action without getting harmed by any of the creatures. I think this article is a nice one and I think you should read it too.
The article I read was called Ewes not sheepish over fighting on the BBC News website. It is about how some female sheep use their horns to fight for food. The type of sheep is called a Soay sheep, and it lives on the island of Hirta, St Kilda. The females use their horns to compete with other females for food when food is scarce. The horns are pointy, which is used to push others away from food, while the male’s horns are more curved for collisions while they fight over mates.
I liked this article because it taught me something new, but it was kind of boring because there wasn’t a lot of information. This article interested me because I wondered why ewes had horns, and what they used them for. I would have never thought that females would fight for food, or anything for that matter because it is usually the male’s job to do the fighting. It was also surprised that the shapes of the horns of the males and female sheep are used for different purposes. One is to butt heads, and the other to push away.
I want to know more about why the females fight. Also, I want to know why the males don’t look for the food. Why is it this certain type of sheep that have full horns, when other types of sheep only have partial or no horns? Lastly, I want to know more about the difference between the wild Soay sheep and the domesticated Soay sheep.
The article link is:
Here’s my report…
By MaDdScIeNcEgAl94
Titan Forecast: Drizzle Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday…
Studies say that when dawn shows on Titan, it’s -300 degrees with a constant drizzle. The worst part: the drizzle is methane. (Methane is a “explosive gas on Earth” **cough cough farts cough cough**.) The study was done using near-infrared imaging to map out the weather patterns. If Titan rotated once every twenty-four hours, the drizzle would stop around ten thirty am. But since Titan rotates once every sixteen days, the drizzle lasts seventy-two Earth hours.
I thought the article was short and sweet. But since it was short, there wasn’t as much information as I would want in there actually inside it. I was really half and half about my opinion, though. (I’m leaning towards not like) I was interested in the fact that it was about outer space, which I adore, and the fact that it’s bout Titan, because when the Earth becomes inhabitable, Titan is the 1st place I would want to go. I was surprised at how little the article talked about the study that gives the information. I just want to know why methane turns liquid when cold. (As opposed to a gas…) And I would love to know if that rain hit us humans, would we live to see another day.
I think everyone should vote on which video game is better; Halo(I mean Halo as in the original halo, not the sequels) or Battlefront 2.
Im excited about making this review, because it's about making VIDEO GAMES. And EEEvvverrryoonnne knows about Video Games.
Okay, where did I get the article? Popular Science Mag. Issue October 2007.
Summary: The article is about how current video games are being created and where does science come in. The article is separated into 10 sections.
Reflection: I liked the article very much, it had lots of different ways of describing how hard it was to accomplish certain tasks. ex. Artificial intelligence: like teaching 1000 kids to think for themselves over night. I was interested on how the light and shadows worked for a game. In the game Crysis the article said that the light and shadows were not even close to how they should act, and yet the game looked fine. I figured that the game would look ridiculously good if the programers got it right. My question is about how can games can generate a perfect, realistic explosion or crash or building or plane or anything else. Lastly, more about cpu enemies and how they will act I future games.
Weekly Science Report #3
Scientists find some dinosaur bones in Argentina that may belong to some knew species. Scientists believe that it could have measured to be 105 feet long (32meters) making it one of the biggest dinosaurs ever found. It’s skeleton shows that predators have eaten it. I wonder if they will ever find the whole dinosaur? I thought that the article was all right, the topic was good but the story didn’t have enough information.
the site that i went to is
>This article was about a Russian Rocket launching of in Kazakhstan. There were three passengers aboard, an American, a Russian, and a Malaysian. Peggy Whitson (American), Yuri Malenchenko (Russian), and Dr. Sheikh Muzaphar Shukor (Malaysian.)
>I though it was interesting, but not very well explained. I personally thought it wasn’t the best article. There was only a small section on the actual rocket. Most of the whole thing was about the passengers the flight. I was surprised when Sheikh Muzaphar was excused for fasting from his Muslim religion. It was also interesting to me that Whitson and Malenchenko were replacing others in their job. I wonder why they were hired and why the others were fired. I would likes to know more about this article and the results on how well the rocket did in space. Signing of, K-razy JONYYY!!!!!
In Morokweng, South Africa, a crater lies larger than the city of London. Its one of the ten largest craters on earth. The crater was created when a huge asteroid collided with the earth 144 million years ago. Recently scientist accidentally discovered a fragment of an asteroid that is believed to be piece of destructive, ancient space rock. By analyzing the minerals and chemicals in the crater, scientist were able to confirm that the crater was indeed part of an asteroid. Scientist were helping a mining company search for copper and nickel in the crater when by chance, one of the boreholes drilling into the crater struck a 25cm of what appeared to be a meteorite
dear shqiponja,
I thought you did very good. I like how you said what you were feeling and also asked questions. It was very well written and I think Mr. Ardito will feel the same.
dear orangesnailsarecool!,
I thought you did great! You really described the artical, but also talked about how you felt. The artical seemed very interesting. Good job!
dear muffinchic,
Wow! The was very good. The artical seemed very interesting from the way that you wrote out everything. I think it was very good and so will other people.
Dear Wing Lee,
I think your report had and interesting topic and kept me interested in what the crater was about.
Comment on: mhmm95's Report
Even though you did the same article as me, I liked your report mhmm95. Especially when you wondered if giraffes are also smart enough to tell friend or foe based on their clothing (however, I think the answer is no, for elephants are extremely intelligent animals).
Dear shqiponja,
I think that your report was interesting. It had a topic that most people don't write about! I think also think the the age or strength question was really good.
Dear muffinchic,
Although we did the same article, yours was well written and I think it was great that since you love elephants, you wrote about them. And I loved your question about what made the scientists test it out in the first place. I want to know too.
bum ba dum bum bummmmmmmmmm!!! The most annoying blog member is back and boy, do i have comments about article reports...Im surprised that so many people picked bbc news reports.
Belivie it or not, Im going to pick a random user name to respond to...orangesnailsarecool!
Their article is about.....uh sheep? Ummm don't get me wrong sheep are cool and everything, but still...Sheep? Ya know what? Fine! Lets go with the sheep. Actually i made my beloved computer read the report to me so i might just miss a few typos.
First- ya did good, ya wrote simply
Second-The article you chose was yes thats the word. But im cool with DIFFERENT. And the article sounded interesting
Third-I did want to know more about... Sheep(at least i think i did)... soooo i guess i did. Thanks!! (sort of)
comment on:maddsciencegal94's report
I thought the article written about by maddsciencegal94 was interesting. I also thought it was interesting when the author stated that if Earth becomes inhabitable, she would like to move to Titan. The one thing suggestion I would make is in the future, tell readers what Titan is in the beginning. I am pretty clueless when it comes to space, so I was reading the first paragraph thinking to myself "I dont get it!".
2nd response toooooo.......mhmm95
short, but interesting. Ive heard lots of new discoveries about elephants intelligence. good job...your awesome ...your the best person in the world
The last one............................................................................................................................................................................isss........................................................................................................................................................................shqiponja!!!
Baboons!! Great subject, one time, i was unwillingly forced by my parents to watch a...(shudder Shudder) documentary about them. I think its interesting that the baboons can recognize each other through sounds. It reminds me of the way penguins recognize each other.
by the way that last one was for shqiponja!!
Comment on orangesnailsarecool!'s report.
Honestly, I thought this report was a little bizzare. I never would have expected female sheep to be so fiesty. I also think it was kind of cool. Everyone always thinks that male animals are the ones who do the fighting and the gathering of food. This article proves that stereotypical idea wrong.
My comment is for snowborder11/27:
I thought your report was very good. I thought you could have put some more of your own thoughts into the article. Other than that, you did a really good job.
My next comment is on MaDdScIeNcEgAl94's article. I think that the article you chose was cool! You did a good job reflecting on the article also. I think that Titan sounds interesting too!
My last comment is on mhmm95's Article.
I think that the article you chose was really cool! It is awesome that elephants can do such interesting things. It is really cool! you did a good job on the reflection. I got a feel for the article.
Science report
Acid snails
By: abercrombie102
Today I read the and article called Acid Snails. I thought this article was very interesting and I liked reading about it. This article was mostly about how conditions in the oceans are changing and how cars and factories are making a lot of gas in the earth called carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide has been dissolving in seawater and as a result, seawater at the surface of the world's oceans has become more acidic.
I liked this article because now I know how bad cars, factories even things like cigarette smoke is polluting the air everyday and is bad for the environment and people and animals living in the environment.
I want to no more about this and what other animals are getting hurt the most and I also want to know what are the top things that are causing global warming.
I found this article on and the website I got this article from is…
snowboarder11/27, oyur article was well written. I thought thogh that it could be a lil bit longer.But nice job any how!!!
muffinchic, your article was very well written althoughe you didnt leave what exact location it was from.
ladyinpink001, your post was very good. i hope i can learn more about it!!!!
I liked mhmm95's article a lot. I thought that it was really interesting and her report was filled with a lot of detail. By reading this article it tought me that elephants are actually really smar and how they had sensed danger by what humans were wearing.
to: snowboarder11/27
I liked this article a lot however I thought it could of used a little more information and detail. The part I thought was really interesting was how dinasour bones were found and they were 105 feet long (32 meters)
to :shqiponja said...
from: abercrombie102
I liked this report and I thoght that this person put a lot of information into his/her report. What I liked in this report the most was how shqiponja said that baboons are able to hear if a close relative in their family that is the same gender are near by from the noise they make, which is pretty interesting.
A Dangerous Meal
This article was about these two poisonous fogs and how a serine kind of snake can eat each one and what it has to do to eat it.
This article was ok it gave a lot of information but in a very dull way. It didn’t really strike me in the beginning and I probably wouldn’t want to read it in my own time.
What really did surprise me about this article was that the snake knows of to get around the frogs defense mechanism. Like who they know exactly how long to wait for each snake and how they even knew what to do.
I really want to learn how those snakes dicoverd such a good way to get around the frogs defense mechanism.
A Dangerous Meal
This article was about these two poisonous fogs and how a serine kind of snake can eat each one and what it has to do to eat it.
This article was ok it gave a lot of information but in a very dull way. It didn’t really strike me in the beginning and I probably wouldn’t want to read it in my own time.
What really did surprise me about this article was that the snake knows of to get around the frogs defense mechanism. Like who they know exactly how long to wait for each snake and how they even knew what to do.
I really want to learn how those snakes dicoverd such a good way to get around the frogs defense mechanism.
Dear shqiponja,
Your review was very good and it made me want to read your article very much. Your summery on the article you read was really good it went into detail very good and I know what I was reading. But u could have put a little more detail into why u didn’t like the article
Dear snowborder11/27,
Your review was pretty good but u could have used a little more description on each thing u seemed only to have one sentence you could have ala berated a little more said more about each thing.
Dear abercrombie102,
You did a very great fob with your review I really felt like I had already read the article that you were talking about and I really do want to read that article now that I’ve read your review on it.
Dear mhmm95,
Really good report on ur article. I was surprised when u said how african elephants are afraid of red cuz of the Maasai tribe.
Dear sunshine,
Good report about Dangerous Meals. I just think that u could add a little more info in ur summary.
Dear snowborder11/27,
Nice job on ur report about the new dinosaur. U kept it short but good which i liked so good job.
to abercrombie102, you did a good job with your article. Now that I have read your review on this article, I would like to read the actual article itself.
dear wing lee, your article was very interesting, but you left out your feelings of this article. Next time you should write how you felt.
dear nottom07, your article was very interesting, orginized, and very well described.
I liked the article written by Muffinchic. Its cool that animals respond to the different types of clothes people are wearing.
shqiponja, baboons are really cool animals but, I think you should of done a little more explaining what the article was about.
what i've noticed is that most science articles can be boring and if anyone found a category with interesting articles that would be good to know.
Article: Research on Monkeys Finds Resurrected1918 Flu Killed by Turning the Body Against Itself.
My article is about the 1918 Spanish flu. Did you know that the 1918 Spanish flu killed over 50 million healthy young adults? Some scientists took body tissue of a victim to reconstruct the flu to study. This flu now only exists in two biosafety labs in Canada. This flu was the biggest and the deadliest epidemic ever- bigger and deadlier then the bubonic plague! That’s’ pretty big right? This flu spread faster than normal flu. This flu killed its victims by making the body’s immune system go haywire. The body didn’t know when to stop. The victim’s lungs became inflamed then started to fill up with bodily fluids which drowned the victim. In the biosafety lab, monkeys were tested and the experiment was originally to last 21 days. It lasted only 8 days because the monkeys were feverish and had trouble breathing. This was because their lungs were filling with bodily fluids. Scientists say that the same thing happened to people in 1918. The reason they tested it on monkeys is because no other flu can kill monkys.
Doo Da Dee
Dear Abercrombie: I liked your report a lot. You were very to the point, and I also liked how you talked about something that many people would just say ‘what ev’ to. I think maybe you should have elaborated more about why the article was called acid snails.
PS In case anyone ***Cough cough muffinchic cough cough*** is still unclear about what Titan is, Titan is one of the largest of Saturn’s moons. And scientists believe it is sort of like Earth in its earlier stages. So maybe it’ll have life in a billion years. Who knows? ;)
Dear Muffinchic: Whoa, elephants react to clothes? So it’s not just humans that judge people because of the brand of their clothes? (Joke, actually, sarcasm…) Well, back at the ranch, I liked how you gave a lot of information about the study, since I obviously know nothing about elephants. I would like to see you tell us about the people who did this test, too.
PS Ladyinpink I find outer space very interesting, but that’s just me. You need to test out different areas of science each week until you find the right one for you, the one that takes you say ‘wow look at this!’ when everyone else may not find it as interesting. Trust me about the last part, since the last thing 12 year olds wants to hear about is stuff happening on the other side of the universe. ;)
Dear Ladyinpink: I liked how you expressed your interest in your article (see, maybe you find under sea exploration or global warming sciences interesting!) Maybe next time you can make it a little longer. ;
I know I’m only supposed to comment on 3, but I had to say this. Doo Da Dee, I read your report, and thought, OH MY GOSH Why would they torture innocent monkeys like that. Just because most other forms of the flu don’t affect them doesn’t give scientists the right to torture little monkeys like that. Everyone, tell me what you think about monkey abuse! Please, because I want to know if anyone else feels that way about scientists testing on animals.
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