Saturday, September 22, 2007

Period 9 -- Weekly Report #2

Here is the place to post your Weekly Science Article Report #2.

You are to post your report here by Friday, and to respond to at least 3 other students' reports (in your class) by Monday.

I look forward to reading your work.

(Just in case, here is a link to the assignment)


Anonymous said...

Weekly Science Report

“Incoming! Fans Brace for Latest ‘Halo 3’”, by Matt Slagle.
I found the article in the “Google Sci/Tech News” drop-down in Mr. Ardito’s “Lots of Science Articles” link on his blog site.

This article is about how “Halo 3” is going to sell tremendously. It is also about how people are reacting to the game and how crazy and overexcited people are about the release of the game.

~I thought that the article was interesting, but not too shocking in how people are getting over the game. I liked the article because I like to play the “Halo” games too and it made me realize how worked up a person can get, even if it means missing work.
~What surprised me about this article was that it mentioned how people pre-ordered the game (which I don’t find shocking),but that many of those people will be waiting outside of stores at midnight to get their overeager hands on the game.
~I don’t have any questions about the article. I would like to know more about how a person’s mind could get so psyched up to the point that they would be missing their job to get a video game.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ardito, this is my test. I think it works. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

nice report!!!

Anonymous said...

The Buzz about Caffeine
I found this article at
It is called, The Buzz about Caffeine, and is by Emily Sohn.

This is article is about the ups, and downs of caffeine, and how it affects overweight and average weight people differently. This article is mostly about kids, though.

This article was very interesting and informative. It was especially a fun read for me because I am a kid who drinks a good amount of caffeine . I liked how the author could connect with me, and still inform me so much. I chose this article because the effects off caffeine tie into what we are learning about the nervous system. I learned that caffeine works by blocking the effects of a sleep-inducing substance produced by your body called adenosine, and that it can also give you a great energy boost. The after effects include tiredness, and laziness, but can also include, for a while, alertness and better reaction times. I have no questions about this article.

Anonymous said...

To-Pound_it C3PO
I liked your article very much and thought that it was very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Weekly Science report #2

Citation-This article was found on, the title of this article is “Scientist: Neptune has a warm spot” the author of this article is not stated.

Summary-The article is mostly about the planet Neptune. Neptune takes 165 earth years rotate around the sun. Some resent research shows a warm spot on Neptune. Most scientist had no idea why this was but it didn’t take them long too find out. They discovered that because Neptune takes so long to rotate around the earth its south pole is currently facing the sun and it has been for almost forty years. Even though the sun is very far away it still has an 18 degree effect on the planet. Some of the ice has melted methane gasses have been released witch now answers the question why Neptune’s atmosphere has had an increased methane level.

Reflection-I liked the article because I really like the idea off space and how huge the universe is. The article was well written and clear. What interested me about the article was how long it took Neptune to rotate around the sun. I was surprised that Neptune had seasons I thought only earth had seasons. I also want to know if during other parts of Neptune’s seasons does one part get warmer then the others. I also want to learn more about the universe and other planets other then the nine that circle our sun.

Anonymous said...

This is my report. When I found this article , it was
the headline article at I forgot the name of this article, but I found it incredibly interesting and fascinating, so decided to do my report on it.


It's about how groundwater levels are dropping around China, as cities, industry and farming compete for scarce water supplies.


This article had it's ups and downs, but in the end, I found it intersting for many reasons:
-I liked for a lot of different reasons. First off, when I read the article, I was like, "what?" because I didn't know that the U.S. could find out that type of information on China. Second, I always knew that China had to conserve a lot of stuff due to its incredibly large population, but I didn't know that. Also, I liked how in the article, there was a giant picture of how the Chinese hope to counter this water threat by building giant underground pipes to bring water to areas in need of water.
-I also had some dislikes of this article, for one I scanned the article for information and found that it was very long and boring. Also, it spoke kind of negatively about the Chinese, who I respect as a very influential and advanced country.
-I learned from this article too. I learned that the Chinese are very wasteful with their natural resources. I also learned about how the Chinese are very scientific and are taking this trouble with serious interest, and when the underground pipes are finished, they hope to get enough water in the pipes to at least stop this threat for a few years.
-I wouldn't change this article. I find it perfect the way it is.

Anonymous said...


"Germs sent to space come back meaner, scientist reports"

Author Unknown


Everyone knows the sickness salmonella. Well scientists did a test to find out more. So they sent it into space. In September of 2006 the space ship Atlantis was sent to space with salmonella. Scientists did this to see how salmonella was affected when brought into space. When they came back they tested it on mice. Mice were three times more likely to get sick from the salmonella from space then the modern day salmonella. They also noticed that the mice would die much quicker. After twenty-five days forty percent of the mice fed modern day salmonella. But only a small ten percent of the mice that were fed the "Space Salmonella" survived in twenty-five days. Researchers also learned that 167 genes were changed to the salmonella when it was sent to space. Scientists do not know why this occurs. But they do have a guess. They believe that this happens because of a force called fluid shear. This happens when the force of the liquid passing over the cells is low, perfect for salmonella to grow deadlier. Some people thought of this as a joke, like a sci-fi movie, but it really happened.


I enjoyed this article because it interested me a lot. Just the title "germs travel to space and come back deadlier" made me interested. I liked it because it gave you the facts right away. it interested me because I have never thought or heard before about germs traveling to space. I was extremely surprised that a germ like salmonella could get stronger. I thought salmonella was bad in the first place but now it can become even worse. I am now wondering that if you send other germs to space if the same reaction and results will happen I would also like to know if they sent the salmonella up again to space would it become even stronger. When I first read the article it seemed like something cool you see in some movies or video games [like Halo]. I clicked on it right away and new I was submitting it to Mr. Arditos blog. I think everyone should read the article because it is interesting as well as unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

ePod7 i really liked your report because of your cool topic. hope mine will be as good as yours

Desiree said...

Weekly Science Report #2

The article my review is about is called “The Buzz on Caffeine” by Emily Sohn. I got this article by going on the “Science Pageflake (with tons of science news)” link on Mr. Ardito’s blog site.

I perceived that this article was about the pros and cons of caffeine. Caffeine is everywhere, so you can’t escape talking in at least a bit of it, but just know that boosting your energy and making you more alert isn’t the only thing it does.

I thought this article was extremely fascinating. Most articles that have to do with science, I don’t usually like. However, this article really made me think about how people around the world are at risk of heart disease and other health problems, such as type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is for people who are overweight and consume caffeine, which interferes with the body’s ability to process sugars.
I was interested when I found out that caffeine can be good, when I’ve heard some many things about it being so bad and how we should all avoid consuming. Yes, it is bad and can cause diseases, but it also can help protect the heart, brain, and other organs from diseases.
What surprised me was how chocolate milk has 5mg of caffeine in it. What I mean is that I always knew the chocolate milk had a bit caffeine in it, because of the chocolate, but I drink chocolate milk twice a day, everyday. I always thought the reason I was so hyper and alert all the time was because that was the way I was, but now I know it’s the caffeine in my milk, and now I’m a little worried, am I at risk for some disease caused by caffeine?
One question that I have is: caffeine causes diseases such as heart disease, how does it also, at the same time, protect the heart, brain, and other organs from diseases?
I learned a lot from this article, and so I’m going to try to cut down on the caffeine.

Anonymous said...

I go this article from one of the BBC news links in Mr. Ardito's "lots of science articles" on his website.

"Deep-voiced men 'have more kids'"
By, [couldn't find the author]

This article was talking about how some scientists are beginning to think that mean with deeper voices have more children. They are not quite sure of the reasons yet but it studies they have showed that men with deeper voices have 2 more children on average then men with squeaky voices. They did tests on a village in Africa to find these results. One of the reasons might have to do with the fact that woman are more drawn to men with deeper voices.

I thought it was interesting that they were finding these results. I never really thought about someone’s voice as changing the way you think about them, or how many kids they would end up having. Like maybe if they have something wrong with their voice, but not the pitch. This article was very clear and to the point, it wasn’t to long and didn’t go on about things not pertaining to what the main idea was. I want to know if the mans voice and the number of children has to do with female attraction of weather it actually has to do with some reaction in their body

someone4 said...


I found an article named: Scientists explore them park thrills, which is by the university of Nottingham. I found the article on

Alton towers in Europe, one of Europe�s biggest rides, is asking volunteers to come forward. These volunteers will be linked up to machines to record the pulse, brain signals, blood, etc. of people when they go on a roller coaster.
-I thought that it was an interesting article because I would like to know the stress on the body when you go on a roller coaster. I think that it will help pilots, astronauts, roller coaster designers, and thrill seekers.
-I was surprised that just anyone could be hooked up and thought that it would be a private experiment.
-I would like to know more about how this information is being used, and if these experiments are still going on.

someone4 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The name of this article is “Needles are best for back pain,” by it doesn’t say. I got this article from the science articles page link off of the school web site.

This article is about how studies show that acupuncture is more effective at treating back pain then conventional therapies like heat therapy, messages, and painkillers.

I liked this article. I chose to use this as my article because I have a fear of needles and I saw acupuncture in the title so I wanted to see what the article said about it.
In this article it surprised me that something like tiny needle pricks could be more effective at pain relief then medicine and therapy. Acupuncture in general interests me and I wonder what the tiny pricks do to the body that makes things like back pain feel better. I would like to know what exactly happens when you have acupuncture done and how the people who do the acupuncture for a living know where to put each needle. What would happen if you put a needle where it wasn't supposed to go?
It amazes me that someone could have painkillers, injections, heat therapy, and messages done to them but have the results be worse then if you get tiny pricks in your back. Scientists think that pain messages to the brain can be blocked by the needles. The Chinese theory is that needles can be used to release the body’s vital energy. I would want to read more about acupuncture and it’s methods.... Even though I’m afraid of needles.
This new breakthrough made me consider our other methods of healing and how they could be improved.

Anonymous said...

Bee Disease
1) Citation- I found this article on Pageflakes under Science News For Kids.
2) Summary- This article is about a disease that is afflicting bees in the US. This disease is called Israeli acute-paralysis virus (IAPV).
3) Reaction- I had heard that many bees around the country were dieing from my neighbor across the street, who keeps bees herself. I read an article that said that cell phones were killing them, but I didn’t believe that. I think this article was very informative and easy to read, because it was made for kids. What interested me was that mites were helping to carry the virus. I wonder why the virus hasn’t struck before. I would like to know more about how scientists plan to find a cure.

Anonymous said...

The name of this article is “Man Causing Climate Change -- Poll.” I got this article from


This article is about people’s opinions about global warming. A survey was done with 22,000 people in 21 countries. They were asked about their perspective of global warming.


I thought that this was a very well-written article. I liked the entire article because it was about people’s opinions. That made it interesting to read. The fact I thought was most fascinating was that 90% of people surveyed said that we need a change and 66.6% of everyone surveyed said that we need a major change soon. Another fact that interested me is that there was a global warming meeting with the presidents and leaders of 150 countries and that George W. Bush did not attend. One more fact that interested me was that French people were the most likely to say that it is necessary to take major steps soon. 85% of French people interviewed say so. The U.S. came in 6th with only 59% of people saying that we need to take major steps in Global warming. One question that I have is why Bush didn’t go to the meeting. The U.S. produces so many pollutants, why wouldn’t he? I also wonder why the U.S. does not care as much. I would like to know more about what took place at the meeting that Bush did not attend. I would also like to know why the other 10% of people getting surveyed said that we should do nothing about global warming.

Anonymous said...

Someone4, I would like to be a guinny pig for the rollercoaster experiment

Anonymous said...

Megmilkshake, i never thought that acupuncture actualy worked

Anonymous said...

cligotmorebounc<3, if your article is true, then i'm gonna have a lot of kids

Anonymous said...

Where Haves All the Bees Gone?
By Jennifer Cutraro
June 13,2007

This article is about honey bees all around the country that are leaving their hives and never come back. Scientists can not find out why. The scientists are called Entomologists who study insects.

The honey bees collect pollen and carry it from flower to fruits and seeds. The bees play important because what they make is one-third of the food chain. I like this article because it was interesting and it has a lot of detail in it. I thought the bees part was intrusting because it was saying how they were disappearing. Also with the food percentage it makes and that we grow and eat. Just how the article was, it was amazing.

Anonymous said...

Science Article Report

I found this Article on Mr. Ardito’s blogspot. The link was to an article on

This article is about how a group of researchers conducted a study that found green tea as a substance that prevents certain types of cancer by actually detoxifying the body. This is important because, if true, the researches found that green tea can remove toxins from the body. Toxins are proteins that are capable of causing diseases. Green tea is already known to slow down the process of oxidation (oxygen) in molecules. With this study, green tea has been shown to remove the very things capable of causing cancer.

This article was surprising to me. I never knew that drinking green tea would help prevent cancer. It also surprised me that researchers tried this on 42 healthy volunteers, who went four weeks with 800 milligrams of an chemical found in green tea, and it worked. Their blood enzymes really responded to the green tea.

I wonder if there is any other tea that can do the same thing that green tea can do. I am also curious about how someone would come up with the idea of looking closely at tea, and figuring out that it prevents cancer! WOW!!

I would like to learn more about how exactly the chemicals prevent cancer. I would also like to learn about how all of the chemicals get into the green tea.

While I read this article, I thought to myself: This article only had one research study to prove that green tea removes toxins that can cause cancer. This researcher’s team is called Chow et al. In this particular article, there are no other sources proving that the study is true. That makes me wonder: Can green tea really remove cancer from your body?

Anonymous said...

Article name: "Los Angeles Enjoying 1,000 Year Seismic Lull"
Author: Unknown (source was the University of Southern California)
Where I found it:

Summary: This article is pretty much about how, despite the fact that the Southern California area is very well known for it's tremendous amount of seismic activity, scientists are now saying that the area is actually in a thousand year seismic lull.

Reflection: I thought that it was a pretty big shocker to find out that Southern California is actually in a pretty big seismic lull right now. I don't really think that anybody would expect that, considering how many earthquakes happen over there, and that some of them are actually pretty strong ones.

And this isn't just some random thing either; of course, there has to be some intrucuit pattern to all of this. In the case of Southern California, so far, there's usually been "bursts" of seismic activity for about 4,000 years, and then calmer periods for 1,500 to 2,000 years or so. Rinse and repeat as neccisary for the rest of time.

I guess I liked the article.. but whoever wrote it didn't seem to know how short most people's attention spans are, because it seemed like it went on for forever with things that people who just clicked it for the title wouldn't really care too much about. That might just be my short attention span, but whatever. That's my opinion.

I was kind of wondering how people could actually have the patience to do the things that you have to do to get that kind of information (all the staring at 20,000 year old rock might get just a tiny bit mind-numbing after a while)

Okay, seriously, I was wonder why it is that the planet does weird stuff like that. I mean, I know it's not just a great big hunk of rock, but it's still pretty hard to think of a reason that there's almost always a pattern in things like this.

Anonymous said...

Your article and report were both very interesting. I would like to know more about how the scientists conduct those tests based on voice depth.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the author of the article you read was very biased about the Chinese. But it sounded like the article was very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Dear cire,
Your report was very good, but the summary was supposed to be 1 or 2 sentences, not a long paragraph.

Anonymous said...

Dear cligotmorebounc<3,
You did a great job with your reflection. Do you think that having a deeper voice can not only result in being atractive to women, but that it has to with hormones involved in reproduction?

Anonymous said...

Dear Someone4,
You did a good job, but your reflection and summary weren't paragraphed and it confused me a little.

Anonymous said...

OOOOOPPPSSS!!!!! I accidently put p instead of pound_it C3PO. Sorry for the confusion!

Anonymous said...

I got this article from

This article was about an experiment with cockroaches. It said that it seems like cockroaches can’t learn in the morning but can later on in the day.

I think this was an odd article because I didn’t think any animal would have trouble learning by the time.
It’s interesting that they proved this theory and that it could be related to other animals too.
I want to know how they even thought of this experiment.

Anonymous said...


I don't really think it's surprising that bush didn't go because he hasn't shown to care about global warming at all.

Anonymous said...

pound_it C3PO

That didn't really surprise me either because people always get hyped up about a big thing every once in a while and this time it was for halo 3

Anonymous said...


I never knew that caffiene blocked a sleep-inducing substance created by your body.

Anonymous said...

yanksfan ~
i was about to do this article but didn't. THAT IS SO COOL!!! no but i liked your article and the thing that Bush didn't go to the global warning meeting really made me mad.

Desiree said...

I did the same article as you, the on about caffeine. I really liked the topic and I guess you did too. Awesome job on the article review! =]

Desiree said...

I did the same article as you, the on about caffeine. I really liked the topic and I guess you did too. Awesome job on the article review! =]

Desiree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Desiree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Desiree said...

I really liked your article review; I have a fear of needles as well. I hope my article will be as good as yours! Awesome job! =]

Desiree said...

After reading your article, I wondered the same thing: does drinking green tea remove cancer from your body? I think I'm going to try and find that article so I can read it. Your review really made me want to know more. Great job! =]

Anonymous said...


Nice job on your review thing =] The summery was a bit longer than 1-2 sentences, but oh well. It made me wanna find out more about that whole green tea thing.

pound_it C3PO:

Omgg. I completely agree with you on wondering why people would miss work just to get a video game, even if it is something as big as Halo 3. It's a video game. Buy it after work.


Your article seems like it was pretty interesting =] you had a few typos in your review, but nothing too major. I really liked your reflection (even if it was shorter than your summary.. ;])

Anonymous said...


I think your article is interesting because of the part where you wrote about the different effects caffeine has on different people. You might want to phrase a few things differently because it sounds kind of funny but overall it is a good reflection and a well chosen topic.

Anonymous said...


great topic to write about.
i liked your article because you gave us facts but also made it fun to your reflection you wrote "i also" a few more times than you should have.but a great job on your reflection


I never would of thought china had a problem like that. I engoyed readind your report because of the way you phreased your opinions. i think that your article is fine the way it is and if I were you i wouldn't change it.

Anonymous said...

Someone4, I thought that the fact that you thought that it will help pilots, astronauts, roller coaster designers, and thrill seekers was clever. You could have double chected for spelling though.

Anonymous said...

Megmilkshake, I like your looong reflection, I learned a lot about your interests and your fears. You could have explained mor in your summar though.

Anonymous said...

cligotmorebounc<3, I like your long summary, it taught me a lot more about the article. Next time check you spelling.

Anonymous said...


I really liked the article that you picked. It caught my attention. One suggestion that I have is that I think you could have added a little more.


I liked your writing style and how informative your Summary section was. Next time I think you should double check your grammar.


I liked the questions that you asked. I think that in the future you should organize your article better. Like in 3 separate paragraphs.

Anonymous said...

dear pound_it C3PO
I thought your article was very good. I thought you could use a little more detail in your Summary

Anonymous said...

dear iwashere:
i thought your article was amazing. You had soo much to write and you did it great!

Anonymous said...

dear Cng94
i liked how you related the article and i love it too!

Desiree said...

I really like your what you wrote, you had a lot of details in your review. Next time, try not to go all out and write so much in the summary part. Other than that, great job!

Anonymous said...

To March
- I thought you did a good job stating the summary, but could've done a little better at being more specific on what you liked about the article.

Anonymous said...

- Someone4
I thought you were able to make good point about the article, but it was a little unclear.

Anonymous said...

- ace123
I like the questions you brought up, maybe you should extend the summary as well as your thoughts a little bit more.

Anonymous said...

I like your article becuase of all the deail and because it is what we just went ovefr in class. one suggestoin is that if you only find one topic on the thing do some resarch for more.

I like thet article because yourelate it to everyday life. I think you should try to talk more about the sydtem the caffine affects.

pound_it c3po
I liked that you talked about a thing that is new to everyone. I like the question at the end.

Anonymous said...

dear Cng94,

I thought your report was great. It would be better if you used more facts from your article.

Anonymous said...

dear cligotmorebounc<3,
yor repot was great, but you need to watch out for your spelling.

Anonymous said...

dear cligotmorebounc<3,
yor repot was great, but you need to watch out for your spelling.

Anonymous said...

dear ace123,
after reading your article i think it would be better if u included more facts from your article.

Anonymous said...

Born2flip, if what the article says is true, i will be drinking alot of tea. you wrote a great report, and i have nothing negative to say.

Anonymous said...

pound_itc3po, I liked the topic of your article. I like halo, but I have to ask, what does this have to do with science?

Anonymous said...

cng94, Your article seems pretty interesting, but you should talk more about what the article is about.

Anonymous said...

Dear pound_it C3PO,
I completely agree with you. Everyone is so excited about the Halo 3 game. It’s pretty amazing! You did a great job writing this article, but I have to ask, what does this have to do with Science?

Dear Cng94,
I am a caffeine drinker, too. It is interesting to know what happens to you if you drink too much of it. I thought you did an excellent job explaining everything because it seemed like it was a lot of information. The only thing that I would suggest is to put every thing into more than two paragraphs. It would be much easier to read.

Dear cligotmorebounc<3,
That is so cool! Weird, but cool! I really like how you cut everything into paragraphs. I was easier to read, and the information really sunk into me. The only thing that I would suggest is to work on your spelling. You spelled a couple of things wrong. Great job.

Anonymous said...


I think your artical was wonderful. It was very well written and it made me want to read the article. I would like to know some of the questions you had about it though, but besides that I thought it was GREAT!

Anonymous said...

pound_it C3PO,

WOW! your artical was two thumbs up. I like how you explained how bad you thought it was for people to spend so much timme on the game and what they would do to get it. You make the article seem sooo amazing even if I'm not that interested in video games. I really liked it and I think you will get an A+.

Anonymous said...


Great artical. I also get my articles from the website you got yours. I liked how you wrote the postives and negtives about caffine and it was very well written. I think you did and great job and I really liked it!

Anonymous said...

Dear cng94,

I really liked your report and thought it was full of good information. I really liked how you put not only the downs of caffeine but the ups too. Maybe nexttime you could give a little more details and description. =]

Anonymous said...

I found your report very interesting and enjoyable. I liked how you went out of your way too add information in your reflection and put more information then that was required.