Monday, November 5, 2007

Weekly Science Article Report - Body Systems - Period 6

Hello all.

Here is the place where you would post your weekly science article reports for this week.

Remember that the focus for this week is an article that relates in some way to the body systems we have been studying.

Please add to your reflection how the article connects in some way to what you have been learning in class.

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

"Schools in Several States Report Staph Infections, and Deaths Raise the Alarm" was my the article I read. This article taught me on how the body reacts to different things that go into it. Staph infection can be shared by sharing pieces of equiptment or touching the staph infectiont then touching someone else's open cut. This kind type of bacteria does not respond to penicillin or related antibiotics but it can be treated with other drugs. This bacteria/infection can deadly so always be hygienic and be careful on what u share.

Anonymous said...
“Germ Fighters May Lead to Hardier Germs”
This article concerns the recent outbreak of STAPH infections. It states that although people have been using tons of disinfectant to try and kill the bacteria, some of the household cleaners can actually help the germs grow stranger. Many of these cleaners contain a chemical called triclosan. Most soaps wipe out the bacteria, but triclosan works in such a way that it only kills the weaker bacteria, but leaves the more resistant bacteria behind. These bacteria not only are resistant but can share this with other bacteria and multiply.
Soap companies argue that these studies have only been proven in labs where the experiment is controlled.
The soap companies also say that people just aren’t using soap enough, but the researchers say that if these facts are true, then the antibacterial soaps aren’t actually reducing germs and this could be a main factor in the outbreak of STAPH. In conclusion, the researchers state that just because it hasn’t been proven that triclosan isn’t doing it’s job when used by customers, it could still happen. (Outside the lab)

I think that the soap industry and the researchers both have good points. However, the soap companies are merely trying to save their business, so what they are saying could be possibly untrue. I think the researchers have more experience, and they also have more facts on their side. While this scenario hasn’t happened outside the lab, it could anytime. I think people should be prepared for anything, and should keep open minds.
The article says that the antibacterial hand soaps that contain triclosan don’t help anymore than regular soaps do. Well, the article is probably just trying to discourage people from believing that antibacterial products are better, but I think there could still be a reason to use them. I mean, this means that both kinds of soaps are at fault.

This article connects to the body systems because it is talking about the immune system. The STAPH infection is a bacteria which attacks the immune system. Soap supposedly kills the bacteria, but because the STAPH infection has grown resistant to such things, the soap isn’t doing it’s job and so it leaves everything to the immune system.

Anonymous said...

A New Flu Shot

Scientists have found a faster to make flu vaccines that might work better. What’s in them? In them are caterpillar cells. In 2004-2005 flu season 151 people were given a high dose of a caterpillar assisted vaccine. No buddy got the flu. Only 2 out of 150 people got the flue on a low dose of the new vaccine, comparing to the 7 out of 153 people that were given the fake vaccine got the flu. A fake vaccine is so they no if it really works. So it’s not just in there head.
For years the vaccine markers have grown the old flu vaccine in chicken. I think that’s cool I never new that. Researchers grew caterpillar cells in there labs. Then they infected it the cells by a virus called baculovirus. Usually the virus makes a specific protein. Researchers changed the virus, so it churned out an influenza protein instead. When the vaccine was put into or injected in the person it cased their immune systems to billed up the defenses against the flu. About 36,000 people die from the flu a year in the U.S.A.
I liked reading about this a lot. This connected to the body system and our class because it involved our immune system.

Anonymous said...

The Electric Brain
By Emily Sohn

The article the called The Electric Brain by Emily Sohn is about a man that has hade electrodes placed into his head. He hade been suffering brain damage for six years and so he couldn’t talk, eat, or move. The man could barley make contact with anything or anybody. During a 10-hour operation a neurosurgeon, Ali Rezai, put two devices called electrodes deep, inside the center of patient's brain called the thalamus. The thalamus serves as the brain’s “grand central station" said Ali Rezai. They thought it would fire up the man’s thalamus. After the treatment the man opened his eyes and started talking. He is not fully recovered but he can do a lot more than before.
I think this article goes back to the nervous system because the brain is the main part of the nervous system because it controls your entire body and your movements too. I think this was a good article because it made me think if they can help this one man they can, they can help a lot more that are in need.
By John Kchiss

Anonymous said...

“Dinosaurs Breathed Like Birds”
By Helen Briggs
From BBC News
In recent studies, scientists have discovered that some dinosaurs, like the Velociraptors, have similar ways of breathing as the modern day bid does, particularly like the penguin. Apparently there are small bones that act as levers that move the ribs and sternum when breathing. There are also projections on the ribs that play an important role in both respiration and locomotion. They are called the uncinate processes. So, ‘"This suggests both dinosaurs and diving birds need longer lever arms to help them breathe," says Dr. Codd.” Who was one of the team that did these studies.
I thought that the article was vaguely interesting, a bit choppy but I found it to be rather intriguing that our modern day penguin has similar ways of breathing as a long lost dinosaur. I found the fact that a dinosaur that bears no resemblance to the penguin had a similar respiratory system extremely fascinating. I have the questions of; where were the dino bones found near a known penguin environment? Could these Velociraptors be ancestors to penguins?
I feel that this relates to the body systems that we have discussed in class because it concerns the respiratory system, and similarities in genes.

Anonymous said...

The title of my article is called A Big Discovery about Little People
By Emily Sohn and I got this article off of This article is about a new species, called Homo floresiensis and they lived on the earth around 24,00 years ago. The new species are about the same size as little people today. They nicked named it hobbit because of how small they were. Its brain is about 23 cubic inches in volume it’s just one-fourth as big as a modern human brain. I thought this article was interesting because they found a new species of humans how often dose that happen.

Anonymous said...

My article was called “Evolutionary Back Story: Thoroughly modern spine supported human ancestor”, by Bruce Bower. This article talks about the fact that it is believed that ancient humans talked to each other. Some people believed that ancient people could not speck to each other because they had a small back bones. Some people believe that this is not the case, and this discovery proves it. “I've always found difficult the argument that Homo erectus couldn't speak because of the size of its spinal cord. Consider that parrots manage to reproduce a wide range of human sounds.” Said David Petchey of Mill Valley, CA.

I think that this article is very interesting. I wonder why some people think that ancient people could not speck to each other due to the size of their back bone. I think that it may have something to do with the spinal cord, which runs down the back. I thought that your brain controlled your speech, but maybe your spinal cord does. I’ve heard that the brain is divided, that the right half controls the left half you body, and the left half of the brain controls the right side of your body. I wonder what happens for those muscles that are in the middle, like your jaw, and voice box. Maybe that is only true for your muscles, not your organs. Maybe it’s not true at all.

Anonymous said...

Blood poisoning is a disease involving bad bacteria or fungi in the blood system. The disease involves bacteria more than fungi. In some cases, an infection in the body discharges the infection things into the bloodstream. In other cases, the organisms enter the bloodstream through unclean needles or other improperly sterilized instruments. Blood poisoning can be caused by an injury in which some thing sharp object breaks the skin and brings germs into the bloodstream. The medical term for the disease is septicemia.
Um I think this article is scary because well the symptoms are not so different from the flu like sudden high fever, chills, rapid heartbeat, and or appearing and feeling seriously ill. But you go to the doc. get some meds and your as good as new. As long as you do it immediately or else it could progress to be life-threatening.

Anonymous said...

Return of the Lost Limb
by, Emily Sohn

This article talks about how salamanders and newts can grow their limbs back if something happens to their old ones. It tells the reader that even scientists aren't sure of how this species can grow their limbs back. college students from London University have a number on insights on this theory, and that they might even be able to find a way that people can also regrow their limbs! The scientists ran some tests on newts and found out that if you cut a newts foot at the ankle its foot will grow back, and if you cut off the leg at the base its whole leg will grow back. They found out that the regrowth process starts at the stem cells which are unspecialized cells that can develop into almost any type of cell in the body. This article has taught me a lot about how scientists have to find out the smallest details, ask questions about it, and then run a whole bunch of tests. This article has also taught me how cells have a huge part in maintaining your bodys homeostasis.

Anonymous said...

A fix for injured knees by Patrick L. Barry I got this article from science news for kids this article talks about how common knee injuries are in sports because knees are fragile ligaments of the only things that keep your knees from bending sideways or backwards. Porn ligaments are among the most common kinds all athletic knee injuries. A surgeon has to repair a torn ligament with a healthy ligament from another spot in the patients like it is very painful and it takes a long time to recover. I chose this article because it had good example picture of the ligament. I can relate to this article because we talked about something similar to that in class

Anonymous said...

A fix for injured knees by Patrick L. Barry I got this article from science news for kids this article talks about how common knee injuries are in sports because knees are fragile ligaments of the only things that keep your knees from bending sideways or backwards. Porn ligaments are among the most common kinds all athletic knee injuries. A surgeon has to repair a torn ligament with a healthy ligament from another spot in the patients like it is very painful and it takes a long time to recover. I chose this article because it had good example picture of the ligament. I can relate to this article because we talked about something similar to that in class

Anonymous said...

“What Causes Celiac Disease?”
Author Unknown
Publishing Date Unknown

When I read “What Causes Celiac Disease?” on I
surprisingly learned a few things. This is surprising because I live
with someone who had it, and I thought I already knew a lot about it.
But this article was clearly good because I learned even more. This
article also relates to what we’ve been learning in school because it’s
a sickness that involves the immune system, which we have been learning
about. So even though I knew a lot about the body systems and about the
sickness, I still learned some knew information, which in my eyes makes
this article pretty good. Another thing I like about it is that you
know what it’s going to be about just by reading the title. The article
is basically I really long answer to the question “What Causes Celiac
Disease?”, which is also the title. It may not be very creative, but
it’s straight to the point. And so is the article. The article just
simply explains a bit about the sickness, and exactly what causes it. I
thought this article was pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I read an article called"Vitamin D helps the skin heal, boosts immune function and protects against microbes". It was a basic article about how if you are out in the sun more, your immune system will be better. It also tell you about how sunlight offers essential nutrients for the body. This relates to what we are doing in class because we just learned about the immune system and that is what this article is all about. An interesting fact that I learned from this article was that skin wounds need vitamin D3 to protect against infection. I liked this article because it was short and didn't go on and on and repeat the same things like other articles do. It gave me the information I needed.


Anonymous said...

Jam good article but dont you mean torn ligaments not porn ligaments
but other wise good article

Anonymous said...

cool article about the flu i hope it saves more peoples lives!

Anonymous said...

Not only did I post my blog twice i have several spelling errors JAM
try better next.

Anonymous said...

Rocketman cool article i did not know that scientist came up with that but next time dont put:
by (name) sry now every one knows who you are

Anonymous said...

I picked A fix for injured knees by Patrick L. Barry. This artial is about how athletes and how torn ligaments can effect there carear.When you tear your ligament you need surgery to repair it and it can take alwihle to heal from it.Scientists at University of Virginia in Charlottesville are looking for on a new ways to repair knee ligaments.Did you know that when you play sports ligaments are the onlt thing preventing them not bend backwards and fowards.

Anonymous said...

By Brianna Kelly

1.) What is the (definition)? How many teens engage in this behavior? a.) A small, roll of finely cut tobacco for smoking, enclosed in a wrapper of thin paper. b.) A similar roll of another substance, such as a tobacco substitute or marijuana. c.) The leaves of these plants dried and processed chief, for use in cigarettes etc. It is very bad for you.

2.) Explain, in detail, why the behavior is risky teens and for what could happen as a result? It is risky because of lung cancer. The result of it is death.

3.) Relate the behavior to the following (in other words, how/why does each of these affect the behavior. Example: teens that see parents smoking are more likely to smoke):
• The media- Because of the movie stars and models.
• Peers- If friends are smoking you would want to smoke too.
• Family influences- If a parent is doing you are more likely to smoke.
• Community influences- where you live-Not following the rules buy using, to much advertising.

4.) Describe how a teenager can prevent engaging in the
risk behavior. Explain all possibilities. Saying no, cold shoulder and walking away. So saying these things put you out of the risk and we also learned this all in dare.
It relates to the body system because it is about smoking and it involves your lungs and when you smoke you lungs turn black and brown and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

This article is called attacking asthma, and I got this article from

This article is about asthma. Asthma attacks can happen do to alergies. An asthma attack happens one minute you're breathing fine the next you're coughing, wheezing, and gasping for air. Some people sneeze and sniffle when exposed to certain allergens. People who have asthma have a much worse reaction.

this realates to the body system because it is an inflimation of the trachea wich is in the respirtory system.

I liked this article because it was very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Nice article jam but you did mean torn instead of porn right?

Anonymous said...

to rocketman. great article it was very interesting keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I think you did an excelt job with your article. I thought that your report gave a lot of information.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was great that you explained what asthma does to you and what it attacks.

Anonymous said...

I thought you did a good how you wrote your artice. Watch out for the name thing!

Anonymous said...


Good job. I think that i red an artical on that too. you were so right about how it dosnt hppen that offen. I never new about the brain.

Anonymous said...

to jame

Good job. I never new that the docter would have to take another ligament from the body. this probly happens most in football.

Anonymous said...

to: rocketeman

Good job. I think thats pritty cool. that mus have hurt or felt wierd geting electronics in to your hed. At the end you told us your name.

Anonymous said...

To Cek96
Good article I found it interesting because I have Asthma

Anonymous said...

From the desk of...Jose, Jose, Continued:

Bad Girl, I liked how you questions and then answered them. I also
liked your ending. I thin you did a great job. I don't have anything I
would change.

Openthis99, Good job! I really liked the beginning of your report but
the end was a bit dry. You should explain more deeply what you thought.
Also, double check your spelling.

Science Class, I liked your report. It was interesting and I learned
knew things. I liked how you ended with a fact. But for next time,
check your spelling, use periods, and reflect a bit more.

Anonymous said...

I liked how you picked an article you could relate to. Maybe next time you could get a little more specific in the summery though.
You had a really descriptive summery of the article but maybe next time you could do more of a reflection.
It sounds like you really understood the article, but remember we had to somehow tie it into what we were learning in class.

Anonymous said...

to georgewashington12
good article well written with alot of information. I did learn very interesting things from it.

Anonymous said...

To badgirl
Great Article. Never knew that they used caterpillar cells. Now when I get my shot I will think about it.

Anonymous said...

Badgirl- Over all it sounds like a very intresting article that has a lot to do with the immune system and cells, two things that intreast me greatly. Next try to watch your spelling though, "flue" and "No buddy" are not used corectly!

science94- Again a intresting article, nad one that has to do with what is going on in our school right now! Watch for silly mistakes like "was my the article I read"

openthis99- Over all a very good summmeray, and a very intresting article. You could of had a slightly longer reflection though.

Anonymous said...

To: openthis99,
That is pretty cool, how there are a new spieces of human around! I like your summery, it was very discriptive!

Anonymous said...

I liked your summery, but try to be more careful with editing! :)

Anonymous said...

I liked your summery, I learned a lot!

Anonymous said...

You wrote your name. But other than that. i liked the way you wrote it.

Nice job. It relates to our school right now too. So i think it was a good pick.

rocketman- wrote your name too! But good job anyway


Anonymous said...

Article: “Advances in Understanding of Blood Pressure Gene could lead to New Treatments”
Author: Unknown

A scientist at the University College in London has discovered the specific structure of a blood pressure gene crucial to the regulation of blood pressure. This discovery is important because it could lead to new treatments for illnesses, such as, heart disease The UK’s biggest killer.

1) I liked this article because it was very well written. It told me a lot about blood pressure and this gene. The destruction of this gene slows the production of nitrous oxide which is a key ingredient in regulating blood pressure.
2) What surprised me about this article is that scientists are still making important discoveries about our bodies. This tells me that there are many more discoveries to be made.
3) I do not have any questions after reading this article. After reading this article I would like to know more about the heart. I am looking forward to the sheep’s heart dissection that may happen in class.

Anonymous said...

Wake Up, Sleepy Gene
March 28, 2007
E. Sohn

This article is about, do you get enough sleep? Do you do well in school if you get a good or bad night sleep. When you stay up all night and finish schoolwork or a day after a slumber party? Scientists say that your answers depend on your genes.

I like this article a lot because it talks about us, kids and how we need are sleep. It explains on The period3 gene. It comes in two forms: short and long and everyone has two copies of gene. You may have two longs, two shorts, or one of each. I am cranky in the morning and if I do get a really good night sleep I will be happy and not cranky. If I get a short amount of sleep I will be cranky and I wont be able to get out of bed. I think this was a very good article and I think other kids should read it.
Mr. Ardito I could not find a good article, so I hope this one is good

Anonymous said...

i post it but it on thursday and i went to do my comments but when i tryed to find my article it did not show up so i post it tonight

Anonymous said...

I think that you did a amazing job and i would love to read that article. You did a grate summary.

Anonymous said...

to georgewashington12,
I learned so much more about staff. I think you told it good. You told everything good.

Anonymous said...

I think that you did a amazing job and i would love to read that article. You did a grate summary.

Anonymous said...

to hpbeatle
i have learned alot,thank you. you did a grate job on your article.

Anonymous said...


i think it is really intersesting how the salimanders grow like that.

science94 ...

that is interesting because it is accutally happning here.

Anonymous said...

To: badgirl I like that you said haw many people have gotten the flu and I liked your article.
To: science94 I like your article and how you explained it.
To:Jam I liked your article and how you went deeper into it.

Anonymous said...

To Rocketman:

I really like your article report, and I thought you showed how it connected really well. I also like how you said that the article showed that people who are in need can be helped. I can't think of anything you should change-- congrats!

Anonymous said...

To Badgirl:

I liked your article report, but I think that maybe next time you should tell a little more about how it connects. Also maybe you should edit a little more. Nice!

Anonymous said...

To hpbeatle13:

nice report. I liked everything you said, just maybe next time try and edit a little bit more, not much though.

Anonymous said...

you wrote a good essay/reflection thing but you wrote your name =]

i think that it is really interesting how salimanders grow that ways

I liked your reflection I learned a bunch of info from it

Anonymous said...

To Plargo:
I thought your report was really good!
at the end you were just listing questions and beleifes, one period after another. I think that mabey you could somthing like lead your questions into one another. Once again, great job!

Anonymous said...

This is to hpbeatle13:
thats really cool!
I find it really hard to beleive penguins breath like dinosaurs, but just the thought is amazing! Geat job!

Anonymous said...

To Rocketman:
Great job! The only thing really have to comment on (besides it being good) is that you put your name at the end!!
Other wise, awesome job.

Anonymous said...

To: Science 94
From: pinkcat101
Great Artical I alway love learning more about Staph infection. I would like to know were you got the information from. But besides that greatt job

Anonymous said...

To coolcat12
From pinkcat101

Great artical but you kind of put your name on it. You had some great information.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Ardito,
I looked at the blog and I didn't see anything that's due for Thursday. So if it's there and I just can't find it, I'll will ask you about it in class tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Dehydration hinders basketball performance
By: Ralph Santarsiero
This article was about a study about dehydration and how it affected basketball playing. They tested males ages 17-28 to see what happened in the four stages of dehydration while they played basketball. Obviously, they did worse. I thought this article was kind of weird and unnecessary. Of course dehydration is going to make you play worse. It said a lot of things about how important it is for coaches to keep kids hydrated. My coach always brings coolers, its common sense. I did learn that sometimes you don’t even know you’re dehydrated and you play worse because of it. I wish this article explained why not having enough water in your body was going to make you worse at sports. I know water is important, but how does being hydrated make you better at basketball. This article also talked about making sure your water absorption and urine output is at normal levels. This immediately made me think of the excretory system and what we are learning about it in school.

Anonymous said...

Weekly science report

This article concern how scientists said that after studies and tests they have come to the conclusion that this so called infection that sent the world into a panic didn’t and never will excised. The head line for this weeks daily news reads “It never encysted and never will. When I saw this my heart skipped a beat and I was ferrous. This dieses that could not be treated by antibiotics never happened, Well oviparity not a scientist that they Quoted in the daily news says “nothing changed the only thing that changed is the way we now look at germs that about it”.so any questions ask me in school or post a comment on the blog. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Weekly Science Report
Austin Millen

For this weeks weekly science report is about two Indian twins born together ,so must be sharing the same body systems I wonder how that goes. Anyway I chose this for my report because it was perfect for body systems that we have been talking about in class. So I’m pretty sure the two girls or should I say one are getting surgery get separated. Well that it for this week any Questions ask me in class or post a comment on the blog. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Weekly Science Report

for this weeks weekly science report I have chosen a dieses sweeping the nation, latterly. Its called STAFF
it can not be treated with antibiotics . It is a sick ness that attacks you through open wounds. Once it is there it’s THERE, its got to heal its self. I thought that this would be perfect for the weekly science report. Schools all around the nation are cleaning out hall ways and class rooms, and America has never been more carful about washing there hands and creping clean. so thats it for this week if you have any questions ask me in class or post a moment on the blog. thank you