Here are the instructions for the weekly science article report. This is what we discussed in class today, but I wanted to you have it just in case.
I look forward to reading your reports. Remember they are due on Wednesday.
Weekly Science Article Reports
Mr. Ardito’s Classes
The purpose of this assignment is to develop your ability to read and write about science.
The assignment:
Each week you will find an science related article that is interesting to you. It can be about any topic, not just whatever we are studying in class. Then you will write a report which has these three parts:
1) Citation: Here you will put the name of the article, the author, and where you found it (for example, the New York Times or Science News for Kids).
2) A brief summary: Here you will summarize the article in one or two sentences. This is to give your readers (including me) a sense of what you have read.
3) Reflection: This is the biggest part of your report. I am interested in your response to the article. Please address the following questions in your reflection:
a) What did you think about the article? Did you like it or not? Why?
b) What interested you or surprised you about the article?
c) What questions do you have about what you read? What would you like to know more about what you’ve read?