Saturday, September 22, 2007

Testing it out...

Here is the place where you will submit your test comments for tonight's homework.

When you post your test, your comment screen will look like this pictures.

Under "Choose an identity," select "Other" and then type in your fake name.

Now, you can preview or publish your comments.

Good luck.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Period 9 -- Weekly Report #2

Here is the place to post your Weekly Science Article Report #2.

You are to post your report here by Friday, and to respond to at least 3 other students' reports (in your class) by Monday.

I look forward to reading your work.

(Just in case, here is a link to the assignment)

Period 7 -- Weekly Report #2

Here is the place to post your Weekly Science Article Report #2.

You are to post your report here by Friday, and to respond to at least 3 other students' reports (in your class) by Monday.

I look forward to reading your work.

(Just in case, here is a link to the assignment)

Period 6 -- Weekly Report #2

Here is the place to post your Weekly Science Article Report #2.

You are to post your report here by Friday, and to respond to at least 3 other students' reports (in your class) by Monday.

I look forward to reading your work.

(Just in case, here is a link to the assignment)

Period 3 -- Weekly Report #2

Here is the place to post your Weekly Science Article Report #2.

You are to post your report here by Friday, and to respond to at least 3 other students' reports (in your class) by Monday.

I look forward to reading your work.

(Just in case, here is a link to the assignment)

Living Environment Lab #1 - The Nervous System

Your first lab report is due this week. It will have you make some sense of the first two labs we have done this year: The Reaction Time Lab and the Hot Water/Cold Water lab.

Your report is due this Friday.

You can download the assignment here.

You can download the rubric for the assignment here.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Nervous System Video

Here is the nervous system video I showed you in class today.
You can post a comment to let me know what you think.

Monday, September 10, 2007

My school web site

Here is a link to my school web pages.

Let me know what you think.

Weekly Science Report Assignment

Here are the instructions for the weekly science article report. This is what we discussed in class today, but I wanted to you have it just in case.

I look forward to reading your reports. Remember they are due on Wednesday.

Weekly Science Article Reports
Mr. Ardito’s Classes

The purpose of this assignment is to develop your ability to read and write about science.
The assignment:
Each week you will find an science related article that is interesting to you. It can be about any topic, not just whatever we are studying in class. Then you will write a report which has these three parts:
1) Citation: Here you will put the name of the article, the author, and where you found it (for example, the New York Times or Science News for Kids).
2) A brief summary: Here you will summarize the article in one or two sentences. This is to give your readers (including me) a sense of what you have read.
3) Reflection: This is the biggest part of your report. I am interested in your response to the article. Please address the following questions in your reflection:
a) What did you think about the article? Did you like it or not? Why?
b) What interested you or surprised you about the article?
c) What questions do you have about what you read? What would you like to know more about what you’ve read?

This week's article

Here is the link to the article on human evolution for this week's report:

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Underwater Adventure



I am very excited about all of working together this year.
If you are in 7th grade, you know that we are up to "becoming experts at how living things are put together."
If you are in 8th grade, you know that we are up to "becoming experts at how complex living systems are put together."
And all of us are training ourselves to be scientists.

Let's get to work!